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景点大全2021-05-17 14:33 作者:北京户外




I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday.It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen.We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.On the first day,I just stayed in the hotel and rested.On the second day,my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.It's the busiest street in Shanghai.When we got there,there were lots of people.We walked from one shop to another.I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer.The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour.My brother also bought some clothes.On the third day,my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre.It was full of people.I played many kinds of games there.I had a good time.The other days,I went to some other interesting places,such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower,the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre.I didn't forget to do my homework in the evening.I had a full and happy holiday. 我和妈妈去了趟上海在七天的假期.我们花了两个多小时开车去上海,从我的家在海门.我们住在一个大酒店八楼.第一天,我只留在酒店休息.第二天,我和我哥哥去了南京路.这是上海最繁忙的街道.当我们到那里时,有很多人.我们走到从一个店到另一个地方.我买了两个t恤和两条裤子为即将到来的夏天.我买的t恤和裤子都是白色,因为白色是我最喜欢的颜色.我弟弟也买了一些衣服.第三天,我母亲带我到晋江娱乐中心.这是挤满了人.我玩各种各样的游戏.我有一个很好的时间.前几天,我去了其他一些有趣的地方,如东方明珠电视塔,黄浦江和上海国际会议中心.我没有忘记做我的家庭作业在晚上.我有一个完整的和愉快的假期.。

2.去上海旅游 初二英语作文带翻译

I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It's the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn't forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday.


3.你在上海玩了/ 旅行了多久

1 我们在上海 玩了 / 旅行了5天

We stayed 5 days in Shanghai.

2 你在上海玩了/ 旅行了多久?

How long did you stay in Shanghai?

3 我想请3天假,去北京旅行

I would live to request a 3-day leave for my trip to Beijing.

4 你最近精神太紧张了,也太累了, 去外面旅行 好好放松下吧。

You recently looked stressed out and tired, travel to lighten up.

5 听听音乐放松下吧, 我推荐你听一下 美国乡村音乐,非常不错哦

Listening to music will make you feel relaxed. I suggest you listen to some American country music. They are good to listen.


Saturdays Good weather! Very warm. I and my friends went to the beautiful park. We go to the camera. In the afternoon we go shopping. We played a very happy day. Sundays Cool weather. I am at home to finish the homework. Then, me and my parents went to the uncle at home. In the afternoon, I watched at home on television for a while. On this day I am not very happy today because of too busy!。

5.计划一次去上海的旅行 英语作文

On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing.We stayed at Huabei Hotel.On the first day,we went to the Great Wall.The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and heavy.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.We also went to the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces.It has a very long history.I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum.What nice palaces these are!I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited.If you want to know more about the Palace Museum,you can go to Beijing 乏害催轿诎计挫袭旦陋and have a look.The following days,we went to the Summer Palace,Tian Tan,North Lake and Xiang Hill.I now know more about the history of China.I also like modern Beijing.The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.Later,I went back with my parents by train.I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.I like this trip!。


本文关键词: in  the  me 



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